Also set sometimes for a limit for compression or max number of files to compress. I'll post some more info if I can find it.Ĭlick to expand.So right after the yklz is 000001 which after a little poking around is hex magic number for 65536. I might have saved the folder to a CD or something. I can't find which folder I keep my work when I tried to hack this game. If there was a way to decompress it from just at the right point. though ct2 can't seem to decompress it right. the bms script used also seems to point to a generic lz77. the chinese thread seems to indicate a slight variance of lz77. But I am now very sure that if I was able to decompress them inserting them back (uncompressed) will not be a problem. I should correct myself other than where I was left off with what jjjewel figured out.ĭirectly dumping the files from memory is not working.
a very loose and tenuous connection to IMJ studios. (which I am sure someone else has figured out but hasn't shared how yet.)
it took a crap load more research then I thought but there is a tie in between the one psp game that also has yklz compression. If the attraction of actual money for this does nothing.oy. If I haven't dumped the 6900+ pointers from zoids by then I may consider dropping this. this last one I will wait another month for them to get back but after that. Total 12 programmers that have been in contact with me on some form or way and nothing has really come from it. Its either i do somehting or have this thread closed. I was just thinking that I should get to doing something on this game and priority wise I will (after I dump the script form zoids battle coloseum). just a lot more work then I was thinking. this way I may have a way around getting a programmer to help me. if I can get away with decompressing them all and just turning that flag on or off depending on whether i have to do something to those files. looking specifically for a compressed and non compressed flag in the pth file. Need to check memory dump for files that are not compressed from the ptd pth container files. Also if they have a way to implement the aforementioned YK let me know. SO if any programmer can see the parallel I am talking about here and thinks they can use the code provided in yaz0 link let me know. Further investigation seems to hint that someone has made headway on Yang-Kieffer (YK) in actual implementation. which fits pretty much everything except the yklz header and the pth header file for the ptd file.Īlthough it seems to be missing a little on the compression. After a little investigation I convinced the compression is some form of yaz0 or yaz0 lz variant.